About Mike
UK Hunting Outfitter
I was born in Lancashire, England and I am happily married with two grown up sons. I trained as a gamekeeper and then joined the Forestry Service and became a Senior Ranger. Whilst with the Forestry Service my duties included protection and management of the deer population, and I organised and guided hunters who came from all over the world. I also ran educational classes for school children teaching them about the forest and it’s wildlife.
After 11 years with the Forestry Service I left to start CMS Hunting, now Mike McCrave Hunting Ltd. I worked for some years with European hunters and for the last 30 years or so I have worked almost exclusively with American hunters.
I have been involved with SCI and its Chapters for the past 30 years, have attended all the SCI shows in that time and have donated a hunt to every convention I have attended as a booth holder. I have also donated hunts to some of the Chapters, and amongst these are – Minneapolis, Tri-State, Los Angeles, Silver State, Desert Chapter, Mid Michigan Chapter and St. Louis. I have also donated to Dallas Safari Club.
I belong to the following American hunting organisations:-
- Dallas S.C.
- Wild Sheep Foundation
I believe the best conservation of our wildlife is in the hands of good hunters and of our hunting organisations. I care very much about how we go about hunting the animals I offer and insist it is done in a sportsmanlike manner. We all know that hunters can be the best conservationists and it is a pity that the anti-hunting fraternity do not understand this. We must keep making the point so that they do so, and it is therefore extremely important that hunts are well managed.